MSP-EXP430FR5994 Features
- ULP FRAM technology based MSP430FR5994 16-bit MCU with low-energy accelerator (LEA
- EnergyTrace++ Technology available for ultra-low-power debugging
- 40-pin LaunchPad kit standard leveraging the BoosterPack ecosystem
- On-board eZ-FET debug probe
- 2 buttons and 2 LEDs for user interaction
- Note: SD Card slot is no longer populated due to component EOL
- Super Capacitor (0.22 F)
LP-CC2652RSIP Features
- CC2652RSIP module supporting 2.4-GHz multi-protocol technologies
- Access all I/O signals with the BoosterPack¢â plug-in module connectors
- Upgrade the LaunchPad firmware over-the-air from the SimpleLink starter app
- Expand functionality with one of the BoosterPack plug-in modules available
Package Contents
l EHBI-REV1.0 : 1ea
l MSP-EXP430FR5994 EVB : 1ea
l LP-CC2652RSIP : 1ea
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